Saturday, February 14, 2009

Just Can't Stop

I think I’m computer overdosing today. I mean, I usually spend a good portion of the day on the computer, but today, I think I’m officially attached to it…and it won’t let me go….
-I started the day with a list of about fifty different blog review sites that my marketing agent sent me. She said pick five of them for her to send a review copy of my book to. Five? I’ve gone through about half so far and I’ve already picked out about seventeen. I’m at the point now where I’m trying to decide if I really need to go through all of them or if I can just pick five from my current list. I was starting to get nauseous from all the scrolling.
-Then I set to work on my book I’m trying to write at the moment. My goal has been a chapter a day. Well, today turned out to be the longest chapter in the book. There just wasn’t a point where I could break it up. Over 3,500 words later I’m happy with it…my brain always tells me that I could write more, but it’s starting to feel foggy.
-Then I sent out thank you e-mails to people who signed their e-mails on my guestbook.
-Then I replied to some comments on this blog. (Love to hear from you!)
-Then I went over to HSA and started messaging and blogging there.
And now I’m back here…I think I might have a problem. :P
Ah, well. All in all I have to say, I love my job, love talking to people, and love that my laptop has a really long battery life.
Excuse me while I go check my other e-mail accounts. :D

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