Monday, February 8, 2010

Share your link!

I’ve started a share your link board on my Face Book fan page’s discussion board.
Please come and share the link to your blog, website, Face Book fan page, Twitter, and/or Etsy shop.
It’s a great chance to announce your work and find others follow and fan.
Just hop on over to my fan page and click on the discussion board.
And don’t forget to tell us about your link.

Next month I’ll randomly pick a few from each category and post them on this blog.
Thanks for joining in. :)


Unknown said...

Very cool idea! I'm on my way over. (If my internet connection cooperates! I will get there eventually! It has no idea how persistent I am.)

Karen Lange said...

Great idea, thank you! Will hop over and check it out.

Joanne@ Blessed... said...

WONDERFUL idea Emily Ann, just wonderful!

Emily Ann Benedict said...

Sarah over at Twillypop introduced me to the idea. I thought it was a neat way to connect with people. :)

Julie Dao said...

Great idea! I'll have to check it out, thank you :)