I was reading an article in The Writer yesterday on what type of writing fits different types of writers. The article ended with a little test that supposedly tells people what type of writer they are meant to be. According to this widely read publication I was not meant to write books. I’m a natural born article writer.
…Should I hide the stacks and stacks of manuscripts in my room?
It’s all about your time frame and research.
-Apparently, book writers are inclined to spend tons of time on their projects. I must confess, I am not. I’m not a “by the seat of my pants” writer, but I do like to put down my ideas and writer my manuscript as quickly as possible. In fact, the best books I’ve written took me little more than 4 weeks to put down.
-Book writers are also supposed to be crazy about research. Well, I like research, but I prefer to start out with a topic I know about and use research to fill in all the gaps.
…I guess that means I’ve disappointed the establishment. ;)
What about you?
Any other lighting strike styled out writers out there? ;)
I think I'd be in trouble too. I am currently doing kids books, so not too much research is needed for them I figure. :O)
Obviously what you wrote is working for you,so keep it up!
ROTFL! That's hilarious! See, I told you that you were capable of writing articles! ;-)
Wish I could take that quiz! I'd be curious to know what kind of score I'd get! You think there could be some way you could e-mail it to me?
I wonder who wrote the quiz? Maybe if we wrote a quiz for them they'd be writing the wrong genre!
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